Frequently Asked Questions

At Advent100 we believe our communications should be "as clear as sunlight." Please contact us if you have any questions about our ministry.

How can you offer these images for free?
Obviously, the artists creating work for Advent100 need to eat and pay their mortgages. They have children and bills and the odd dog to feed. We rely on the generous donations of our supporters to purchase our exclusive licenses from the artists, giving them the support they need to be able to concentrate their full efforts towards making the best work possible for the church.

Does the Adventist church own the images created by Advent100 artists?
No, the artists retain ownership of the images, but sell exclusive and unlimited rights to an image to Advent100 for licensing to the world church.

Why can't these images be used outside the Adventist church?
The Adventist church has a distinct and unique message to present in these last days of Earth's history. We at Advent100 believe that to clearly sound the Three Angel's messages, we need to make available excellent work tailored for use by and exclusively to the Adventist church. By making these premium image licenses available for free to Seventh-day Adventist church ministries, pastors, evangelists, school teachers and lay leaders - but not for sale or available for use outside the denomination, we believe we will lend a huge boost to Adventist media ministry that can help the Church in ways that would be unreachable were these images available across denominations.

How many images will this collection contain?
As many as the Lord will allow us to make before He comes. Our initial goal is 100 images, and from that comes the 100 in "Advent100". However, we believe God will bless this ministry richly so that we can create many more images than we currently imagine.

Can I donate a painting I own to Advent100?
Feel free to give us a call to discuss this. There are many varied nuances to image licensing and answering this requires discussion.

How can I become an Advent100 artist?
Quite possibly yes! Please give us a call so we can discuss what kind of contributions you could make to the ministry with your time and talents.